How to delete a room type

Deleting a room type - Property level

To delete a room type, select the room code from the "Room Types" tab at the property level: 



When selected, the Delete" icon will remove the selected room code, and un-associate any images in the removal process: 


Deleting a room type - Chain level

To delete a room type at the chain level, select the "Room Codes" option on the left side of the screen

A list of room codes will appear, with the properties to which they have been assigned:


On the right hand side, see the "Delete" button: 




A pop up will appear, confirming the action to delete the room code record at the chain level. This will also remove the room code from at the property levels: 


Select "Yes" to proceed, or "No" / "X" to cancel refrain from removing the selected room code


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