Select your property from the list of hotels
Select the “+Add Image” icon
A pop up will appear, in which image files can be selected and loaded, or dragged and dropped into the indicated space. Select/drag and drop your image files in the space below to load into LUCID
- Note for photos: Maximum 100 files at the time | Supported files: jpeg, jpg, gif, png, tif, tiff, webp, eps | Images of at least 2880 pixels are highly recommended | Maximum file size: 900Mb
A loading screen will appear, with a progress count of images added
Once the loading screen completes, your images will be listed with details to be edited: Caption, Category and Distribution Status
For bulk loading photos, the "Set Category for All Media" can be utilized to set the same category for multiple images at once:
Images can also be associated to room types in this window, by selecting the "bed" icon, and checking off the desired room types listed:
More details of how to create and manage room types in LUCID can be found in the following links:
Once those fields are updated, select “Save” and the newly loaded photos will appear in your property’s image gallery:
To download a property's photos, kindly see the following article: How to download property images
To re-sequence loaded images, kindly see the following article: How to re-sequence property images