How to add a property into LUCID

The below steps assist how to manually manage property addition in LUCID

Different steps occur if properties are bulk managed via a brand file


Manually adding a property with a new record: 

Select the "Hotels Home" tab on the right hand side

Select the "+Add Hotel" button, present above the "Hotels by Name" option: 


Fill in the hotel information in the appearing screen: 

- Name

- Internal Property/CRS ID

- Sub-Brand - sub brands within the chain's portfolio, and their associated brand code

- Address Information

- Geo-coordinates

- Contact Information

- Property Description



Once complete, select "Save Hotel", and the property will be added to the list of hotels for the brand


If you would like to continue adding properties, select "Yes" on the following pop-up. If not, select "No"



To edit any hotel information, select on the property and go to the "Information" tab. Press the "Edit" icon on the right hand side: 


Once the information is updated, select "Save", which will update the property details


Manually adding a property using an existing record

To add a property from an already existing record, select the record from the hotel list

To search for your property, kindly see the following article for reference: How to search for your property


To create a property from an existing record, select your hotel from the property list

See the "Copy" icon on the right hand side: 


A pop up will appear, where you can select what aspects of the property you would like to copy

Input the new property's name and internal/CRS code

Toggle the desired aspects for the new property you would like to copy from the current one

Select "Save": 



To continue adding more properties from an existing record, select "Yes". If finished, select "No": 


The new property will be added to the list: 


To add images to a newly created property, kindly see the following article: How to upload images for your property





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