Setting Passwords - Requirements
When creating a new user, the following requirements are mandatory when setting that user's password:
Password must contain at least 8 characters, at least 1 number, at least 1 special character and both lower and uppercase letters
Update passwords by account user
To update your password upon accessing your account, select over the profile icon in the top right hand corner, and click in "Change Password":
Resetting password by account user
1. Use "Forgot Password" on the login page
Enter your email address, and a link will be sent to your inbox with steps on re-setting your password:
Resetting password by Administrator user
Passwords can be reset for user accounts by users with Administrator access at the Chain level
As Administrator users at the chain level have access to the "Users" list:
Administrator users can reset passwords for accounts under the chain:
Once the password has been reset by the Administrator in the above pop-up, they will provide the reset password to the user in question
The user then uses that reset password to login, which will prompt them to update it once more:
Password: the reset password provided by the Administrator
New Password: a new password, selected by the user
Confirm Password: re-enter the new password from the previous field, to confirm