Technology Spotlight: Workflow and Approval

Centralize and simplify media management across your organization.

When you have a portfolio of hotels across the globe, you face the challenge of maintaining brand consistency across different hotel locations, managers, cultures and time zones.

Many hotel chains struggle to ensure individual properties are displaying high-quality media that reflects brand standards and leads to more bookings. There is value in offering travel shoppers a consistent online experience, building brand recognition and respect. But when individual properties are producing and distributing their own media, how can the brand maintain control and ensure consistency? That’s where Content Manager's Workflow and Approval Engine comes in.


Advanced capabilities to automate workflows and simplify media review.

Content Manager's Workflow and Approval Engine is designed specifically for the needs of hotel chains to oversee visual content across all hotels, and approve it prior to publishing.

The hotel chain can approve or deny any images uploaded by the hotel to Content Manager, and the chain can even provide feedback or comments including any reasoning why a particular image was not approved.

By using the Workflow and Approval Engine, hotel chains decentralize work and maintain control over their individual hotels’ media before it is published to third party travel channels, ensuring brand standards are always met.


Saving time, driving bookings, and learning brand standards.

While consistency to brand standards is the priority, there are many additional benefits for chains using Leonardo’s Workflow and Approval Engine.

The hotel brand gets the opportunity to see and approve content that they otherwise may not have had advanced access to. Global brands are able to unite the team, communicate standards and secure content quickly and effectively.

By including comments on media that is not approved, hotel chains have the opportunity to educate properties. Each image disapproval can be seen as a learning opportunity for hotels. Feedback is provided through the Workflow and Approval Engine, which can help the hotel learn and apply the knowledge the next time they add media. It can also be viewed as a learning experience at the corporate level; highlighting where a property is unclear on guidelines and may need further education.

Start using Workflow & Approval now to increase brand consistency.

Workflow and approval can be added to Content Manager as part of your customized brand set up. Contact your Account Manager to find out how to get started.

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