We’re changing our domain: what that means for you

Like many companies, the last year has helped us refocus on our goals and our mission. Leonardo is committed to helping the travel industry improve their global marketing reach. For that reason, we’re excited to share that we’re changing our web presence from Leonardo.com to LeonardoWorldwide.com.  

This switch allows us to better distinguish ourselves online (and offline!) and aligns with our goal of becoming a true global leader in content management and distribution.  

What does this mean for you? 

As soon as possible, update your contact email for us. Our emails that ended with @leonardo.com will now end with @leonardoworldwide.com. If you’re looking to visit our website, as of June 8th you’ll need to visit LeonardoWorldwide.com.  

Access to Content Manager and hotel website builders will remain the same. If you’re a Media Library customer, look out for more details in your email inbox or contact your Account Manager for more information about necessary updates. 

For any questions, please contact your Account Manager.  

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