How to Create And Publish Your Digital Brochure To Third Party Travel Sites


The following step-by-step instructions will teach you how to create and publish a digital brochure to third party travel sites. Before you can get started, you’ll need to have created a Multi-Group Feature Story in Vizlly.

1. Login to Vizlly. Hover over the Publisher tab and select Multi Channel Marketing. 

2. Select the Multi-Grouped Feature story you would like to syndicate from the Library on the right side of the screen, and drag it into the drop zone.

3. You will notice that your story has been marked as Default, which means this will be the default story displayed on all current VNetwork Channels, as well as any channels that are added to the VNetwork in the future.

4. You can choose to display targeted digital brochures on individual or groups of channels. Do this by dragging additional stories into the drop zone below your Default Digital Brochure. Select the Target Specific Channels button to select the specific third party channels you would like to send your targeted digital brochure to.


5. Click Select when you are happy with your selections.

 6. When you’re happy with your digital brochures, click Save.

That’s it! Now you know how to create and publish digital brochures to third party travel sites.

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