An important part of any hotel website is the ability for travel shoppers to complete a booking online as they browse through your website and are compelled by your content to choose you.
If you don’t have an Internet Booking Engine for your property, here are some tips to help you find one.
Which internet booking engine should I use?
Vizlly has been designed to work with any booking engine. Properties have a few options. All representation companies have booking engines that are driven from their Central Reservation System (CRS). If you have a representation company, you should reach out to them first and see which booking engine they use.
Most Property Management Systems (PMS) have booking engines as well, so if you do not have a CRS or representation company, you should reach out to your PMS provider.
What should I look for in a booking engine?
When evaluating booking engines, look for an engine that meets the following criteria:
- Its usability is simple and seamless
- It is designed to move the consumer through the booking path with elements that drive conversion (like ease, speed, visuals, etc.)
- The booking engine is mobile and tablet compatible
- The engine can integrate with your property’s inventory system software (PMS or CRS) so as to avoid duplicate booking
- It supports multiple room types and rates
- It supports standard analytics like Google Analytics
Once you’ve decided on an Internet Booking Engine Provider, it’s super simple to integrate it with your Vizlly website.